Santos Region - SP

In 2019, we began our partnership with the Eduardo Furkini Association. Alexandre Camilo and Valdir Cimino, respectively from AEF and Viva, officialized the partnership with the objective of leveraging even more the work in the Santos Region, which is composed of 9 cities.

The first course "The Art of Storytelling and Playing in Health and Education" started in the city of Santos, in March 2020, and was a great success, motivating us even more to take stories, literature, and solidarity to hospitals in the region.

We are working hard at the Guilherme Álvaro State Hospital and are focused on starting activities at the Estivadores Hospital Complex.

Viva and the Eduardo Furkini Association are increasingly in sync and connected, holding online meetings in preparation for the Storytelling Sundays! We are driven by the certainty that our work makes a difference in this world and for these children, who increasingly need acts of love and good stories.

Claudia Gonçalves –
