Position descriptions
Viva's activities are developed by the following cells:
Executive Board
The purpose of the cell is to interact internally and externally, observing the guidelines and ensuring the fulfillment of the Association's objectives. The Cell is formed by the entity's Board of Directors and Management.
- Supervise all the activities of the Association;
- Observe the fulfillment of the Association's mission;
- Promote the interrelationship of cells;
- Promote interaction with the external audience;
- Identify and direct new partnerships and projects.
Administrative / Financial and Human Development Executive Director - Luciana Bernardo
• Responsible for managing Viva's administrative area, organizing workflows, and distributing the strategic demands of the executive board with the operational team to deliver these demands within the established timeframe and attributes, among other things;
Human Development Cell
To promote the integration, the development, the training, and the inter-relationship among the various audiences, stimulating the commitment of everyone to the Association's objectives. This task is accomplished by training volunteers in two types of work: the first, to exercise the role of Storytellers and Story Makers, and the second, to exercise the coordination and management of Viva's relationship with the volunteers at the partner hospitals, and with Viva's affiliates and associates, which are based in other cities and states of the country.
To train volunteers, Viva offers a Training Course for Storytellers: Health and Education. The Course is given during an average period of 06 (six) months, during which lectures, dynamics, and training in hospitals are held. This course aims to assess the candidates' ability to work in the hospital environment as well as their willingness to do volunteer work. The participant is required to have 100% attendance in our classes, and only 25% of the course can be retaken at our headquarters, i.e., a maximum of three (3) subjects. For retakes, absences must be notified in advance and justified, and the reason will be analyzed, and then scheduled and held at our headquarters. We remind you that there will be only one retake class for each subject.
The commitment to seriousness, quality, and efficiency obliges the Viva Association to condition its expansion to investment in the training of people, so that they become qualified to be key leaders and representatives of Viva throughout Brazil, supporting its affiliates and associates. This training is given through a Training and Leadership and Lead and Management Multiplication Course of the Viva e Deixe Viver Association that will be based on the Viva Multiplication and Personal Responsibility manuals. It is required as an essential requirement for the exercise of the lead position the cumulative training of the Course of Storytellers: Health and Education. The mission of a lead is twofold: (i) to act as coordinator of the storytellers of a certain hospital(s), and (ii) to represent the Association before the partner hospital and/or affiliated or linked to Viva in other cities or states of the country.
Human Development Assistant - Andrea
• To promote the integration, development, training, and inter-relationship among volunteers, stimulating the commitment of all to the Association's objectives, among other things;
Psychologists - Any and Antonia
• To promote the integration, development, training, and inter-relationship among volunteers, stimulating the commitment of all to the Association's objectives, among other things;
Administration and Finance Cell
To support and ensure the ethics and transparency of the Association's actions.
- To provide legal, financial, and accounting advice to the entity's management according to the principles and determinations of its strategic planning;
- Maintain permanent contact with the Integration Cell.
Analista Financeiro – Kleber Camargo
• Oversee the budgeting procedure of the areas and organize and run the financial reports for the projects, among other things;
Communication and Marketing Cell
Publicize the Association's activities to its various audiences and account for its achievements to society. Objectives:Objectives:
- To inform volunteers, supporters, collaborators, companies, the press, and society about the Association's activities;
- Stimulate the increasing involvement of volunteers, supporters, and collaborators with the Association's cause and the Third Sector;
- To spread the Association's ideas and objectives: the volunteer and education;
- To demonstrate the seriousness and credibility of the Association;
- Provide prospecting material for volunteers and sponsors;
- Maintain channels for thanking and publicizing the sponsoring/collaborating companies;
- Record and publicize the training activities;
- Format the projects for commercialization;
- Support the other cells with communication actions;
- Maintain permanent contact with the Integration Cell.
Diretor Executivo Comunicação e Marketing – Luciana Bernardo
• Responsible for managing Viva's Communication and Marketing area, organizing workflows, and distributing the strategic demands of the executive board with the operational team to deliver these demands within the established deadlines and attributes, among other things;
Coordenadora de Marketing – Renata Cirilo
• Responsible for coordinating Viva's communication and marketing area, organizing workflows connecting the strategic demands of the executive board with the operational team to deliver these demands on time and within established attributes, among other things;
Assistente de Marketing – Lívia Barbosa
• Responsible for executing the work demands of Viva's Communication and Marketing area that are established by the Marketing Coordinator and the Executive Board, among other things;
Marketing Assistant - Luan
• Responsible for the historiography, capturing the information of each location, detailing the audience numbers of each action, and compiling it into a single document to be sent to the responsible publisher, suggest improvements to improve the quality of the information received, analytical reports and disclosure on the site, among other things;
Web designer – Sabrina
• Responsible for executing the work demands of Viva's Communication and Marketing area that are established by the Marketing Coordinator and the Executive Board, among other things;
The Viva Association has been successful in its various ventures in the areas of communication, marketing, third sector management, humanization of health, and valuing volunteers in Brazil. Its performance has given it visibility and recognition from governmental organizations and the private sector, enabling it to develop and implement projects and create products for companies and other institutions, with the generation of revenues that guarantee its sustainability. Noteworthy are the lectures on Social Responsibility, through which Viva aims to sensitize employees about the importance of volunteer work, and the training and management of storytelling volunteers within companies, a project Viva calls Corporate Volunteer Development.
Services include:
- Development of a corporate program of storytelling volunteers for several areas and audiences: elderly people in nursing homes, babies and their mothers in the prenatal phase, day care centers, support homes, schools, hospitals, etc.
- Performing and Consulting in corporate events: intervention of storytellers through theater, games, and storytelling, etc.
- Courses and lectures on the themes: Humanization of Health and Education, Volunteering, Communication, Marketing and Public Relations, and the improvement of interpersonal and media relations.
- Production of educational and cultural content that expresses and promotes the well-being and humanization of relationships.
- Partnerships with universities and colleges for the development and professionalism of the third sector.
Areas of Affinities:
- Social Responsibility and sustainability.
- Communication and Marketing.
- Human Development.
- Public Relations
- Public policies: humanization of society, hospital classrooms, and playrooms in health care.
Human Resources
To carry out its activities, the Association counts on the support of volunteers and paid employees.
Voluntary action happens in different forms or by different agents:
Storytellers: People with diverse backgrounds, approved in the entity's training course, who dedicate at least two hours a week to promoting communication, culture, and educational information with the children and adolescents assisted in the Association's partner hospitals.
Story Makers: People with diverse professional backgrounds who act in solidarity, donating part of their time and talents in the development of the work cells' activities.
National Students: University students who collaborate, in a solidary way, helping the Viva Association to carry out its work. In partnerships with colleges and universities, this project can offer support for Complementary Community Activity. The participating volunteers create a competitive edge in their résumés, with greater professional prospects, which are highly valued in the market. The student volunteer receives certification for the hours, depending on the type of activity and the time made available.
Training for student volunteers: The volunteers who develop work with Viva receive training and qualification courses, as well as monitoring and advice from the coordinators of the work cells; Communication, Marketing and Public Relations, Administration and Finance, and Human Development (Psychology and Pedagogy).
Student Volunteer profile
- Understand the local reality in which they will operate and the possibilities for improving the conditions of the public that Viva serves;
- Ability to listen to everyone involved and collectively assess the needs of the location, prioritizing the demands;
- Empathy. Putting yourself in the "other person's shoes" to better understand reality;
- Commitment to the activity to be developed, paying attention to the fact that the community-volunteer activity requires dedication and commitment.
Team Leads: The team lead is the coordinator/manager of the storytellers in the hospital to which he or she has been assigned. Represents the Association to the hospital management and to Viva's affiliates and associates. To be a team lead, the volunteer must prove to have completed, cumulatively, the storyteller and team lead training courses. Although training is required, practicing as a storyteller is not a requirement for that of a team lead.
Viva Volunteer Care Service (SCVV): the service has been available to volunteers since Viva was founded. From a bi-annual survey conducted with the support of QualiBest, Viva detected the existence of volunteers who thought of quitting the activity because of situations inherent to the love dedicated to Viva: lack of time, problems and trips related to employment and/or unemployment, emotional fragility and family health, and their own health. To strengthen the reception of its active and disconnected volunteers who wish to return to their work as storytellers or story-makers, Viva, in partnership with the Human Development team, through professionals in the psychology area, offers personalized assistance. Those interested should send their request by e-mail (voluntario@vivaedeixeviver.org.br) informing their name and telephone number, which will be contacted by one of the Association's psychologists. The service will be provided, free of charge, in up to four (04) sessions.
Effective members: Members of the Advisory and Fiscal Councils - people with diverse backgrounds, volunteers in other areas of the Association or not, who fulfill specific roles linked to Viva's bylaws: Board election, advising on the execution of projects and investments, among others.
Viva Cultural Scientific Committee: Has as its general objective three fundamental lines guided by the mission, vision, and cause of the Viva Association:
- Promoting the culture of reading, storytelling, and play in education and health.
- Planning, budgeting, and content assessment of the activities developed by the Association such as: courses, workshops, events, relative products, Viva e Deixe Viver editions, among others.
- Valuing the professionals and employees in education and health who support the future construction of a Viva e Deixe Viver School.