Curso A Arte de Contar Histórias e do Brincar

1ª Parte do curso

Módulos 1 ao 5 – EAD Assíncrono
Realização entre 28/02/2023 até 28/04/2023
Live de Boas Vindas 07/03/2023

Primeiro tema: “Princípios e Diretrizes da Viva”

Segundo tema: “Fundamentos Filosóficos para quem cuida com afeto no mundo Contemporâneo”

Presentation of the Viva e Deixe Viver Association and the training process. Educating for solidarity implies recovering concepts that are not reduced to sentimentality or a vague idea of welfarism. Solidarity has to do with the solidity of a life in society, which is supported by the life of the family and other communities. The principles that guide the Viva e Deixe Viver Association are: reading, play, and creativity. Through cultural activities, play stimulates the development of skills in children, hospitalized or not, contributing to the humanization of the services provided to them.

a) Presentation of Viva e Eduque and the Guidelines of the Viva e Deixe Viver Association;
b) Data on volunteering in Brazil and Humanization in Health;
c) The importance of reading and playing for children and adolescents;
d) The language of solidarity; the education of the will.
e) Reasons of the Heart - Philosophical Foundations for those who care with affection in the Contemporary World
f) Transmission of values through stories

Tema: “Planejamento pessoal e administração do Tempo no mundo lúdico”

To understand the importance of time management, suggesting a reflection on the insertion of voluntary action in the magic of "Once upon a time", of creative playfulness transforming the pleasure of reading through play, and how actions of this nature transform communication into well-being for our lives.

a) Technique of how to manage time with playful and voluntary action;
b) The techniques of play in the magic of Once Upon a Time;
c) Sense of goal.

Primeiro Tema:” Formação de leitores”;

Second Theme: "The Value of recording in the Storyteller's Diary";

To present the main Storytelling techniques, with the ludic and the benefits of reading, based on pleasure, identification, interest, and freedom of interpretation.

a) Choice of repertoire, resources, and styles.
b) Narrative Techniques.
c) How to use Imagination and Play with History.
d) A Arte de Contar Histórias Virtuais
e) Técnicas de Improviso
f) Detalhar a importância do registro das ações realizadas como contador de histórias em qualquer âmbito de atuação

Tema: “A descoberta do brincar e contar histórias terapêuticas”

To use educational play as a therapeutic tool, favoring the continuity of the child's integral development.

a) The discovery of the power of words that care.
b) Playing with storytelling and the development of the human being. Creative play supporting reading.
c) The Art of Virtual Storytelling - Digital Age
d) Improvisation Techniques
f) Games
g) Unlocking the Inner Child (Extra - Free or Symbolic Pay October)

Tema: “Como encarar a perda”

Awareness of the transitoriness of life

Attachment and detachment processes and the importance of these for psychological maturity.

Módulo 6 – EAD Assíncrono +Presencial ou On Line
Realização entre 15 e 20/05/2023

Participative and avaliative lecture

Opportunity to experience a storytelling situation and guidance to develop this technique.

a) Topic and audience orientation.
b) How to organize the stories that will be told.

Módulo 7 – EAD Assíncrono
Realização entre 21/05/2023 e 28/05/2023

Primeiro Tema: ”A etiqueta do contador de histórias e as condutas de relacionamento”

Segundo Tema: “Ambientação Hospitalar e o mundo da saúde”

The art of Storytelling motivating lives in foster care, Empathy in Foster Care, Education.
To approach the hospital reality, the necessary hygiene care, such as hand washing, feeding, appearance, the respect for the multidisciplinary team, companions, and for the hospital rules, through appropriate literature aiming at culture and education. Get to know the Association's practices and values.
a) The importance of constant training through playfulness.

b) Ethics and the Storyteller's Role.
c) Hospital reality and personal hygiene
d) NR32

2ª Parte do curso

Módulo 8 – EAD Assíncrono +Presencial
Realização entre 29/05/2023 e 03/06/2023

Tema: “Vivência terapêutica – como atuar no ambiente hospitalar e reflexão sobre o equilíbrio emocional junto aos pacientes”

System for evaluating volunteers to work in the hospital environment through dynamics that promote reflection on emotional issues that arise when working with children and adolescents in hospitals.

a) Group integration.
b) Presentation dynamics, of losses and photos.
c) Simulation of how to behave when telling stories inside the hospital.

Segundo Tema: “Cuidados paliativos com o processo de morrer “

Approach the palliative care patient and his or her companion, respect the child's age range, physical, social and spiritual comfort, and grief. With appropriate literature the theme is presented in a playful way focusing on respect in the age group.

a) cuidados paliativos – paciente/família.
b) Physical, psychological, social and spiritual comfort.
c) Acceptance of Death.
d) Death and the Grieving Process.

Módulo 9 – EAD Assíncrono +Presencial
Realização entre 12/06/2023 e 09/07/2023

Tema: “Ambientação hospitalar e suas normas técnicas que o voluntário deve seguir”

Get to know the hospital environment, the rules of the hospital, and start Storytelling for the children and teenagers from the monitoring of a more experienced volunteer.

a) Introduction of the hospital and the group of volunteers.
b) Presentation of the hospital rules.
c) Tips for storytelling and ways to approach the listener.

Módulo 10 – EAD Assíncrono +Presencial
Realização em 22/07/2023

Theme: "How to take on the mission of storytelling in hospitals - through lived experiences in the hospital environment and what they can teach us".

Discuss the hospital environment, the rules of the hospital, and expose the impact of the first experience on Storytelling for children and adolescents during the training period from the Leader running monitoring at the hospital.

a) Discussion about the hospital environment.
b) Expose the impact of the first experience with Storytelling in the hospital.
c) Questions about the hospital rules.
d) In-person and Viva ON (Mixture + Diversity)

Live de Encerramento 08/08/2023
1) Para as atividades presenciais a Viva e Deixe Viver segue com todos os protocolos exigidos pela OMS.
2) Os alunos do curso de voluntários Viva terão acesso à plataforma EAD liberada, com o conteúdo do curso, até o dia 31/10/2023, para consulta.